Christian Living

chinaconnection 07/16/08

Olympic Victory for China's Elite Slime Fighting Team

Olympic sailing fans have great news- sailors won't have to try to make their way through a substance that looks like electric pea green soup!  Officials have announced that the waters where the competition will take place is now algae-free, which is a huge improvement from the way the waters looked when they took this video just two weeks ago.    

20,000 volunteers removed over one million tons of algae by Tuesday, according to Xinhua News.  As far as Olympic volunteers go, I think I would definitely prefer something a little cleaner, like directing tourists to the nearest restrooms or handing out programs, but I suppose everybody has to do their part for the Olympics, even if it means battling clumps of fluorescent green goo.

These noble souls won't really receive any Olympic recognition, but anyone who has spent days immersed in any type of substance that smells like a mixture of rotting cauliflower or broccoli deserves a medal, or at least a ticket to the Games. 

While this slime fighting team has won this first battle, it's still waging an intense war with the algae monsters.  It's put up two fishnet barriers, of about 13 and 15 miles to prevent algae from invading the Olympic venue during the Games, and has people on call if it algae starts to get through.

There are some plans to use the excess algae as fertilizer, but what will the city possibly do with at least a million tons of algae?  Send it into the countryside for some unsuspecting people?  

Once the Olympic excitement is over, there's really no telling what will happen to the million tons of algae, but if next year's weather also brings warm waters, high rains, and a hint of pollution, the algae creature could strike the waters green once again.  Happy sailing! 

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