Christian Living

chinaconnection 08/01/08

Blue Sky Blues

Beijing’s air pollution has been a huge concern during this pre-Olympic time, and considering the government’s $17.2 billion dollar investment, they’re not taking this lightly.

But the question remains: will this hard work pay off? 

The Asia Society has presented a comprehensive and easy-to-understand website with information pertaining to the issue of Beijing’s air quality.  It’s very user-friendly and worth looking into if you’re interested in the topic.

On the other hand, from personal experience, Beijing’s air quality has definitely improved.  Seven years ago, when I would come home at night after a long day, my skin would be covered with a film of remnants from the polluted air.

Today, after spending several hours outside, my skin is fairly clean, and instead of being bathed in a blanket of smog, I’m lobster-red, with one of the worst sunburns in recent memory.  So much for smoggy skies!

Fortunately, being red during one of China’s most patriotic times isn’t such a bad thing.  

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