Christian Living

chinaconnection 09/17/08

From Melamine Milk to Eczema Chairs

China's melamine milk fiasco remains a complex national crisis, dealing with a plethora of issues including business ethics, economic growth, government transparency, consumer safety . . . the list goes on.  By comparison, the latest China scandal headlines don't really measure up. 

The AFP reports some Chinese-made armchairs and sofas might cause eczema outbreaks.  One doctor reported that the eczema of one patient in July "could be linked" to armchairs because an anti-mold substance.  Twelve others have also been hospitalized because of the chairs.

While the company, Conforama has written to the 38,000 people who bought their products to warn them of allergies, and 400 have sought compensation for damages.  Despite these problems, Conforama's products haven't been recalled.

I definitely would not be a happy camper if my sofa caused me to break out in eczema, but these problems don't quite fall into the same league as the parents whose infants have been sickened by melamine-induced kidney stones.    

While I am extremely curious to see the next shocking quality concern issue that comes out of China, considering the quantity of goods that China exports, we could have much graver concerns than eczema-inducing furniture.

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