Facing Public School Fears

With the new school year fast approaching and the many changes going on in society today, including the debate on children’s sex education curriculum, some parents understandably have doubts and maybe even fears about public schools.
To give my thoughts on this some context, let me start with my family’s story. A few years, I wrote a blog lamenting the troubles I was having homeschooling my eldest daughter. I was terrified of the public education system; but what was even more frightening was my lack of ability to maintain a schedule and teach from home.
Some people are truly gifted in homeschooling abilities. I am not. After months of watching my child fall behind, I handed her over to the public school system, the very same place I had once feared sending her. But, in that, I did something that I should have done from the start. I put her in God’s hands.
Praying parents are powerful! For those who believe in God and follow Jesus’ teachings, prayer is an imperative part of life. Should we not trust that God with our children no matter where they learn their ABCs?
Children can be a precious light to the dark world and a shining example to those who need to experience God’s love. My oldest daughter has a faith-sharing spirit. Whenever she meets someone new, she makes it a priority to share the love and peace she feels. As I struggled with not being able to properly homeschool her, God showed me something. He showed me that her outgoing and faith-filled spirit needed to be around other kids her age and that homeschooling her would stifle that spirit.
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 ESV
This verse isn’t about homeschooling or your child’s education even. It’s regarding how we teach our children to pray, seek the Lord and trust in Him. We are to teach them constantly what it means to be Christ-like, not just how to be a churchgoer. Education is only a part of childhood. Where your child goes to school isn’t the deciding factor on how he or she will turn out. Though it is a place of influence, no school can ultimately derail any child.
If you don’t feel called to homeschool or if you feel you are not equipped to teach your children from home, do not fear. God knows you, your family and your circumstance. Give your kids to God so that no matter where they learn, whether it’s at home, in public school or private, they understand what it means to follow Jesus.
Arm your children with the ability to understand right from wrong and you will find they are capable of keeping His word and perfect will close to their hearts no matter where they spend their school days.
Are you worried about the coming school year? What are your concerns and hopes?