Parenting a Child with ADHD

There is always something to worry about as a parent: your children’s future, their homework, and their behavior rank at the top of the worry list.
My son’s six years old and is repeating kindergarten. He’s full of energy, full of life, and sadly his focus is lacking. Already this year we are getting some reports on his behavior, we have been told many times that he has ADHD.
I understand that struggle. As a child and even now as an adult, I have to work harder than most because of my own struggle with Attention Deficit Disorder. My heart breaks as I watch my son get that frustrated look on his face when he cannot seem to get from A to B like the rest of the kids his age.
When I was in school, I responded better to positivity than criticism. Not long ago, my son told me he is “bad”. But, he’s not bad. He just struggles. He’s actually very bright and one of the sweetest kids I know (no bias here).
So what can a mother do when her child is into a new school year and is already having behavior problems? Well, trust God.
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT)
We should get the professional help our kids need, but at the end of the day, we need to seek God for peace and guidance.
I also instill in my son a sense of pride. Children with ADHD or any kind of learning disability are susceptible to self-esteem issues. They need to know that you believe in them, that they can accomplish great feats and are loved.
During my teen years, I was on the fast track to nowhere. I was removed from my high school, in which I was failing miserably, my senior year. I had given up. Between the disorganization and my many failed attempts at trying I felt as if no one even saw me as anything more than one massive screw up.
At my new school, a kind teacher took me under his wing. He affirmed me and told me I was smart and even had me help other students. I graduated six months earlier than expected and suddenly my future felt secure.
Why? Simply because that teacher’s belief in me was all the motivation I needed. I felt worthy of the diploma that once seemed like a hopeless dream. Throughout my life, I have come across people who are positive even when I feel hopeless and that positivity is key.
Positivity, faith in God, is life changing and it certainly can be for kids struggling with learning disabilities.
Pray for us as we come up with a plan for my son. There is no quick fix. It’s something that will be a part of him throughout his schooling and even into adulthood. Still, I have faith that he will do great things.
Do you have a child who is challenged? Do you feel hopeless some days? I’d love to hear your own stories and advice.