Christian Living


What Do You Want Jesus to Do?

father prays with son

By Bill Gaultiere
Soul Shepherding Moments, © 2012

What do you want Jesus to do for you? It’s the most important question of your life.

John and Andrew were introduced to Jesus by John the Baptist who said to them: “Look, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”

They approached Jesus eagerly and he asked them the question: “What do you want me to do for you?”

Think of the ways that people like you and I answer Jesus’ question…

Lord, I want… Financial help… Success in my project… Wisdom to solve my problem… Healing… Help for a loved one… A new opportunity for my ministry…

These are all good things to ask for from God. And I have asked God for help in all those areas at times. But John and Andrew wanted the best thing, the most important thing. They asked for the One Thing that meets all of our needs: Jesus.They wanted Jesus.  All they wanted was to follow Jesus, to be with Him wherever He went, and to become like Him.

So Jesus replied, “Come and you will see.” Or, in other words, “Come with me and you’ll discover a new life.” John 1:29-39

“Come and see.” It’s the only way to follow Jesus. Open wide your eyes and your heart… Listen… Be ready for whatever He has to offer… Venture all you have on Him… Become His apprentice and let everything else in your life fall into place as part of that… Begin to live your life in a new way, His way… Discover His life in you, “the life that is truly life” 1 Timothy 6:19

Let my “Come and See” prayer help you to meet with Jesus now... Open your heart to respond to Christ’s invitation to you…

Come and See (inspired by Psalm 66)

Come and see – see what God is doing;
Come and listen – listen to His word;
Come and rejoice – rejoice in the Lord!


Come and see – see what Jesus gives;
Come and listen – listen, be at rest;

Come and rejoice – rejoice in His yoke!


Come and see – see where Jesus goes;
Come and listen – listen as His friend;
Come and rejoice – rejoice in your King!


Come and see – see what Jesus does;
Come and listen – listen to Him care;
Come and rejoice – rejoice to love all!


Don’t let these just be pretty words. The power of prayer is when we connect with Jesus Christ personally.

The Lord Jesus Christ is saying to you and to me: “Come!” Let’s respond with a prayer of consecration: “O Jesus, I want nothing more than to be with you and be like you. Thank you for inviting me to come and see you!”

Or think of a struggle or challenge in your life: Imagine yourself in that situation and Jesus says to you: “Come and see – see what God is doing.”

Sometimes what holds us back from fully trusting God and giving him our all is unforgiveness. To help read “Forgive and Be Set Free.”

Bill Gaultiere, Ph.D. and his wife Kristi Gaultiere, Psy.D. are founders of Soul Shepherding, a 501c3 nonprofit ministry. As counselors, spiritual mentors, speakers, and retreat leaders since 1987 they facilitate intimacy with Jesus for pastors and all kinds of ministry leaders from around the world. Bill is the author of You Can Live in Jesus’ Easy Yoke. You can sign up to receive his soul care messages by e-mail, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

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