Christian Living

thefinishline 04/04/10

Big Sports Day

by Aaron M. Little

Monday is a big day in the sports world. As we all shuffle back to the routines of life after a lovely Easter weekend, there are several story lines we need to be ready for. Did the Washington Redskins REALLY just trade for NFC East rival, Philadelphia Eagles franchise quarterback, Donovan McNabb? Of course timing is everything as this announcement comes on the eve of the NCAA Championship game Monday night in Indianapolis between Butler and Duke. And even though Major League Baseball's marketing machine schedules the first game of the season on Sunday night between the media darlings of Boston and New York, Monday is the official Opening Day of the 2010 MLB season. SIX MONTHS from now when the postseason picture's pretty much set...you'll be grumbling about how long the season is, yet again. Speaking of postseasons, the NBA and NHL are wrapping up their regular seasons and preparing for playoffs. April is an exciting time.

So, this seems like a good time to engage the fans of CBN Sports. What do you think of what we do? Do you know what we do? What can we do better? What types of stories do you like/not like? Keeping in mind that our mission is to share the love and hope of Christ through the inspirational stories of Christian athletes, do you think we are succeeding in that mission? New media is opening up lines of communications that previously didn't exist, so take a minute and share your opinions. And of course, don't forget to catch Shawn Brown's report from The Final Four on both Monday and Tuesday's 700 Club!

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