Christian Living

thefinishline 05/03/10

All Pro Dad With Tony Dungy

By Shawn Brown
When I hear the name Tony Dungy, one term comes to mind: “Class Act”. Here’s a guy that works hard to be consistent in every area of his life. I’m sure he’d tell you he’s had his challenges, but in the public eye, his display of character is impeccable. I had a chance to hang out with the coach a few days ago at an event he started with friends Clyde Christensen (Colts WR Coach) and Mark Merrill (President of Family First) called All Pro Dad’s Fathers and Kids Day.  The All Pro Dad organization was started in 1997, because Dungy and Christensen would often talk about how it was hard for them to spend time with their kids like their fathers did with them.  So they called Merrill, and for the past 13 years, this event created an opportunity for fathers and their kids to spend time together. It’s a three-hour event filled with games and bonding activities designed to help fathers and their kids build their relationship.
It was great to see fathers running and throwing footballs with their kids. My favorite station was called the “Running Back Station”, where a kid hands his father the football as if they’re a quarterback and the father runs it in to the end zone for the TD. Then they have to come up with their own victory dance and hug for 30 seconds. I love that, because so many fathers don’t show their kids affection, like it’s not manly to give your kid a hug. I hug my sons every day. I want them to know that it’s okay to show and express love and affection in the form of a hug.
Coach Dungy has a great thing going on here. There were about 2,000 fathers and kids running up and down Raymond James Stadium in Tampa. There will be several other events throughout the next few months.
I’ll have the full story on The 700 Club in June. Until then, fathers, have you hugged your kids today?  It can be a “manly” hug; just hug your kids! It doesn’t hurt, I promise. Okay, maybe just a little bit at first, but you’ll get used to it! For more information check out www.allprodad.com.    
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