Christian Living

Spiritual Life


Sin is anything that separates us from God’s love, peace, or will. It displeases God. We often fall short by sin, but can trust in Jesus Christ for redemption.

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Bible Teachings on Sin

How we respond to guilt today can determine our success in life for years to come. It can even determine where we will spend eternity.

Grudges and getting even are a normal part of the world scene, but they have no place in the life of someone who has enjoyed the mercy of God.

Children are attracted to the good things of God and are open to confessing sin and accepting Christ. Read through this teaching with a child.

It is fairly common to be assailed by the thought that the unpardonable sin has somehow been committed.

Some of the harshest warnings in the Bible are reserved for the Great Pretenders in religion, the ones who act out a life of faith but inwardly deny...

All Bible Teachings on Sin

Questions about Sin

The problem is that just because you’re a good person doesn’t give you a ticket to heaven.

Could God ever forgive me? Yes! Thankfully there is nothing too big and no person too bad for God to forgive.

Pride, as a sin, must be guarded against. The best way to eliminate pride is to look at yourself, your family, and your achievements as objectively...

Pat Robertson gives solid tips to help you figure out if something is sinful or not.

Drunkenness is a sin, forbidden by the Bible, but having one drink may not be wrong.

All Questions on Sin

Devotionals about Sin

Many are familiar Samson and Delilah's story, but was it really Samson’s hair that made him strong? Discover more about this famous Bible story and...

A great challenge for Christians is to set aside our own standards of “right and wrong” and embrace God’s definition. Will we repent with the courage...

God’s Word consistently warns us against idolatry, but in our culture, idolatry might be more difficult to recognize. We are likely not worshipping...

Day 34: Freedom From Sin

“… Isn't he the carpenter, the son of Mary? Aren't James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon his brothers? Don't his sisters still live here in our town?" The...

All Devotionals on Sin

Videos about Sin

Who Does God Say I Am?

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

Where Can I Find Truth?

Why Should I Trust God?

Will God Give Me a Second Chance?

All Videos on Sin

Articles on Sin

Confession is agreeing with God that what He says is right and that you are doing things (sins) that go against His Word. It’s important to confess...

What’s missing in our modern motives for evangelism?

Did Jesus really tell us it is a blessed or a joyous thing to mourn? How can we be happy while we are grieving?

Unexpected consequences of social media are contributing to division and moral views in society.

When God forbid Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, He knew it would lead to the barrage of information we have at our...

All Articles on Sin
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