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Articles on Conflict

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Articles on Conflict

What do you do when you've been hurt by family? How do you forgive the ones who should know better? The ones we call brothers and sisters in Christ?

Unhappy married couple

Winning an Argument Means Losing

Consider some of these tools for giving up power struggles and asking for what you need.

Gossping at work

He Said, She Said: What's Wrong with a Little Gossip?

Gossip is like a secret craving. You might not like it, but when you hear or are a part of it, you do not want to stop.

Couple talking

Five Steps to Removing Dysfunction from Your Marriage

Because 'hurting people hurt people', dysfunctional communication, unless interrupted and improved upon, leads to even more dysfunctionality.

Narcissistic man

Can a Narcissist Really Change?

Dr. David Hawkins shares a recent counseling session he had with seven emotionally abusive men. Find out what he discovered.

Man using cell phone

Need Some Relationship First Aid?

Most of us have gone through difficult times in a relationship. Some of you might even be on the brink of losing it. Don't give up hope!

Mature couple in an argument

Changes in Your Marriage Won't Happen Overnight

It is the nature of all things to revert back into chaos. If you don't establish a clear plan and accountability for change, you will be disappointed...

Wife yelling at husband

The Truth about Anger

If you or someone you love struggles with anger, consider some of these action steps.


Building Resiliency through Psalm 56

When we face trials and adversity, do we trust God like David did?

You couple arguing

When Your Problem Becomes THE Problem

How comfortable do you feel about approaching your mate to share a concern you have about his/her behavior or your relationship?


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