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Devotionals on Christian Life

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Devotionals on Christian Life

Taking a trip away with friends can bring such joy—connecting with each other and a spiritual focus on God makes the trip even better. The author of...

Through faith, perseverance, and courage, you can navigate life's challenges with hope and resilience. Whether facing setbacks, uncertainties, or...

This impressive young man had made many right choices in his life and he was obviously from a successful, affluent family. Despite all that he was...

We have access to our Heavenly Father every moment of every day. Walk on into the throne room. The door is not locked because it is not even...

What would cause God to be opposed to us? But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE...

It's so hard to give up control, isn't it? Surrender doesn't come as naturally in a society of tight-fisted people, and most of the time working hard...

If a matchstick flame can lighten up a room, can you imagine how much our lights can dispel the darkness in the world? Someone, somewhere, needs to...

“God can’t use me.” Have you ever thought that? It very well may be that God is already using you for His purposes but you didn't know it. Discover...

Choosing to follow Jesus and be His disciple is a never-ending journey of becoming less like the world and more like Christ. But in our society today...

Faith pays off. Incredible, daring, adventurous faith in the name of pursuing God’s Kingdom will not fail. What decision has God put in front of...


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