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Devotionals on Christian Life

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Devotionals on Christian Life

Over thirty years ago, a preacher told a story that changed the way this author sees the world. It was about two men standing on the same frozen lake...

Leia the German Shepherd is more than just a faithful companion—her interactions with her master reveal a spiritual truth that will resonate with...

It's easy to get caught up with to-do lists, social activities, and work. And at times, because of this, we can get stuck in the cycle of busyness...

Imagine Someone with His gaze fixed on our day-to-day life. Sometimes it seems strange, although it is beautiful to know that there is such a great...

The Lord has given the terebinth special assignments throughout the Old Testament. To name a few, terebinth trees witnessed the promise of a son to...

If you have ever lost hope because what you are believing for is not coming to pass, know that God has not forgotten you. Trust Him. But the race isn...

Are you in a new season of your life? Sometimes the season is painful, and you may find yourself with more questions than answers. At other times, it...

Does anyone stand out to you as an example of growing in their light for Jesus through the years? We reflect His righteousness in greater measures as...

Are there barriers in your life that keep you from seeking the wise counsel of the Lord? Perhaps, like today's author, you struggle with stubbornness...

God can use you in many ways and gives you special gifts to carry out His perfect will for your life. Each of us is an essential key to carrying His...


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