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Devotionals on Christian Life

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Devotionals on Christian Life

Just as Jesus became flesh and dwelt among us, we have access to His Spirit and can be the hands and feet of Jesus wherever we go. Learn how you can...

Our heavenly Father sometimes sovereignly permits momentary pain to accomplish a greater purpose. In fact, Jesus’ suffering on the Cross represented...

In this heartfelt devotional, discover the beauty of forming supportive relationships with fellow doubters, the urgency of heeding God's promptings,...

How would you answer a question about your faith if persecution seemed imminent? Peter stumbled and denied Jesus three times. But thank God, we have...

Unity is not valued as much in our culture as individualism. But our opinions and beliefs often divide us more than they unify us—even as the Church...

Does God try to speak to you, and you don't take the time to listen? Be still and draw upon His wisdom and counsel at any time. At the beginning of...

God is consistently faithful in teaching us and reminding us of what He has spoken. Jesus sent His Spirit to ensure we were led into all truth and...

We need to come together as brothers and sisters in Christ and seek God for what is eternally important. When we lose the things that bind us...

Do you ever struggle to keep God first in your life? If it’s not one thing, it’s another: too much to do, too many burdens to bear, and too many...

Learn the true essence of Pentecost: a feast of fellowship with God. As fire consumed the sacrifices in ancient times, tongues of fire descended on...


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