Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Depression

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Devotionals on Depression

You and I are made for today, not yesterday. Our future depends on the present, and nothing is more important than what we do right now.

The longer we stay in the confinement of the strongholds that hold us back, the more we will become a limited and bound creature of habit.

Loneliness in a crowded world seems incredulous, but it happens to many people, including believers.

God's plan, in God's time, with God's people always produces fruit, but that doesn't mean we won't stumble and fail our way forward.

In my mind, I saw a banquet table lavishly spread with food representing all that God had done in me and for me.

Words of comfort and love from the Lord give us hope and calm our despair.  

We try many things the world offers and can't find satisfaction because God has linked us to a much higher realm.

The Lord used a man with godly wisdom and insight to address deep rooted issues in my life. Perhaps you need to seek the counsel of godly men and...

In times of heaviness and depression, we have to remember to wear praise like a designer jacket or a good pair of jeans.

Do you like to pray, but run out of things to pray for after five or 10 minutes?


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