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Devotionals on Encouragement

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Devotionals on Encouragement

Imagine discovering that your darkest suspicions were true. Lina, a high school student in the late '80s, was surrounded by peers who dabbled in what...

I recently attended a Bible study on Psalm 23. We are all probably familiar with the first verse of that psalm, “The Lord is my Shepherd.” ...

What we think about has a powerful influence on our attitudes and worldviews. We hear about this a lot in motivational talks and sermons, but...

Keeping our focus on God, while we serve Him in any way, gives us the joy to carry on. What is the weak area of ​​your life that you need to...

Embracing who God has made us to be unlocks a new level of freedom. I experienced this freedom in 2016 during my freshman year of college. While my...

We have all strived for perfection in some area of our lives—whether it’s achieving the perfect eating plan, the perfect job, or the perfect marriage...

If you have ever lost hope because what you are believing for is not coming to pass, know that God has not forgotten you. Trust Him. But the race isn...

There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, but sometimes God uses guilt to convict our hearts when our lives do not reflect His Word...

Does anyone stand out to you as an example of growing in their light for Jesus through the years? We reflect His righteousness in greater measures as...

Are there barriers in your life that keep you from seeking the wise counsel of the Lord? Perhaps, like today's author, you struggle with stubbornness...


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