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Devotionals on Encouragement

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Devotionals on Encouragement

Whatever situation you find yourself in at this moment, there is hope. You may not be able to see or feel the hope, but it is there for you.

Just like Abraham and Sarah, we all have times when we can choose to believe God's promises or focus on our circumstances and seemingly...

Satan knew the three basics for selling his product to man: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.

Loving someone who is suffering can be painful, but caring deeply for each other is worth the cost. Sharing our heart with one another is brave.

God knows the best things start in the muddiest spots. Ask the flowers.

We see David rise, fall, and rise again; and we learn from this shepherd warrior king that there is no sin that cannot be washed away and forgiven.

Our deliverance is promised to us. Our miracles are coming. We need to continue looking up to God for the answers, trusting Him for the end results.

I remember thinking, "Oh, Lord, I know you were with me today, but it was a horrible day! What am I doing wrong?" Finally, sleep came and with...

Between the holidays can be a time for quiet wonder ... and wonder is essential.

As wave after wave swept over me, filling my nose and mouth with murky lake water, it felt like I was fighting a losing battle. 


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