Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Faith

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Devotionals on Faith

I saw how we, as God's creations, start out as nothing more than ingredients in God's mixing bowl.

If the Christian life wasn’t challenging, we’d break at the first test of faith.

God never intended prayer to be complicated, so what are you waiting for?

The Israelites were dogged by the same thing that keeps children of God today from enjoying the full benefits of salvation - unbelief...

Prayer is described as earthly petitions rising up “as the smoke of incense together with prayers” (Revelations 8:4) Suddenly I realized this was a...

When we give way to the temptation to frenzied activity, it never lends itself to obedience to God's will.

It is realizing and being sensitive to what keys God wants us to use at certain times as we transition in life that will make us successful.

This is a time to be outspoken, not hesitant, about our great God and the salvation that He has provided through His Son Jesus.

Feel the love of God today from the depths of your heart. It's the best thing that will ever happen to you! Promise!

God loves you and me, and He wants us to realize and know it's all under control, no matter how it looks or seems.


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