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Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Fear

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Devotionals on Fear

Living near the Atlantic coast, you put up with two things — bridges and tunnels. prefer bridges because you can see where you’re headed....

When I was headed for a collision, Jesus climbed into my red car and it stopped spinning out of control. No matter what situation we may find...

Have you ever prayed for the presence of Christ to be so tangible in your life that you can feel and see it? I think all of us who call ourselves...

I once heard someone say that testings will last as long as it takes to change our mind, attitude, and actions. Let's face it: we don't like...

Being brave is having the courage to overcome what we have in front of us. It is the opportunity to face that situation that life offers us, or that...

Drawing on the comforting words of Isaiah 58:8, the author offers a compelling testimony of God’s protective hand at work. Through a vivid personal...

When we are in times of economic uncertainty with rising inflation, gas prices, housing expenses, and grocery costs, we do not need to worry....

There is so much uncertainty in this world we live in. The rising costs of gasoline and groceries and the increasing division and violence around us...

If you are terrified, overwhelmed, or fearful, learn how to overcome by experiencing King David's passionate cry to the Lord in Psalm 55. Like the...

We don't have to lose our joy when troubling times surround us. It can be so easy to lose our joy, let fear creep in and tighten its grip around us...


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