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Devotionals on Goals

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Devotionals on Goals

Our faith in Christ doesn't forbid us to have earthly possessions.

On the surface, it may seem like a personal struggle with some mental or physical area of weakness. That’s what Satan would love for you to think.

We can be assured that one day we will claim the prize that never fades away.

We should be cautious of the motivation behind any resolutions we might make.

The New Year stretches before us like a blank piece of paper. What we decide to do with the year is, in part, up to us. 

Our Savior came to us as a poor man, not as a king. He was terribly unimpressed with the Temple and all its glitz, but deeply concerned with people,...

We have tools that can push away negative emotions.

What does holy mean, how does it happen, and is it your name from God?

Do you ever need a little more motivation to be in God’s word daily?

God put contentment in our grasp. It's not dependent on circumstances.


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