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Devotionals on God's love

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Devotionals on God's love

After a series of unexpected changes and as the events of 9/11 unfolded, this author found herself sustained by the very food pantry she once managed...

Sadness was not the worst emotion that I felt. I was filled with anger. I was angry at God. I used to say that I was God’s favorite child, and I...

The most valuable lessons I’ve learned about God’s heart came through observations of my mom’s life. Not only through her words but also through her...

Books provide a pleasant escape from reality for many of us. This author's passion for a certain type of novel led to the Lord's conviction in her...

As Christ lives in us, He expresses Himself through us; and one of the ways He does this is through these spiritual gifts. Paul reveals in 1...

The word thanks is probably one of the shortest words, but it carries a big meaning. How many times do we forget to give thanks? How many times do we...

God seeks out each one of us, like a shepherd after a lost sheep, and welcomes us into the safety of his loving arms. The psalmist likened the...

How often do we consider all the things God does for us? Many times we only talk or think about them when He gives us what we want and life looks...

Remember that even in our moments of greatest weakness, God is always pursuing us with love and grace. If you feel like your mistakes have separated...

If we are honest with ourselves, we get carried away with work, social activities, family, ambitious ventures, mindless scrolling and watching our...


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