Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Life

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Devotionals on Life

In a world full of distractions, focusing on our guiding light will keep us on course.

Free food I don't have to work for? Sign me up, Jesus!

Implanted within every living creature is a purposed individual identity for which it was created, the total blueprint of its life form.

Take an inventory of messages you allow in your day and learn to recognize their sources.

Often, we're in a hurry to implement our plans and reach our goals. If we're not careful, we'll miss the joys and lessons that result from what is...

People can be stubborn - sometimes for prudent reasons and sometimes purely for self-indulgence.

We fill up our lives the way the manufacturer loaded buttons on this remote.

Knowing God is in control of the drive helps us navigate the new road.

Do you share my frustration because it seems like our society will not do as God instructs and pray, repent, and humble ourselves before Him?

If we don’t deal, we won’t heal.


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