Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Purpose

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Devotionals on Purpose

 Hidden inside of us, God has placed His gem, the indwelling of His spirit in our earthly bodies.

Four-year-old Trey took my face in his hands and squeezed as he pulled me close to him. "Rose, you are really, really old!" 

Are you a physical creature on a spiritual journey? Or are you a spiritual creature on a physical journey? Or is it even beyond that?

Unconditional joy - oh, if we could only learn how to grasp it.

I have found that just when I think I have surrendered my all to the Lord, He gently, graciously, uncovers a new layer of resistance in me that even...

Jesus offers relationship, not religion. He bids all who labor and are heavy laden to come to him.

We never know the potential in the one person God uses us to influence.

You and I are made for today, not yesterday. Our future depends on the present, and nothing is more important than what we do right now.

I found myself alone, a brand new mother and a widow at the age of 21. How would I get through this crisis?

Loneliness in a crowded world seems incredulous, but it happens to many people, including believers.


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