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Videos on Peace

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Videos on Peace

Lakeishion compensated for the loss of her parental guardians by taking on a masculine identity. Her sense of rejection was amplified when she was...

Tommy recognized early on that something was different about him when he felt more comfortable around females and identified with them more so than...

Alone and crying, three-year-old Destiny was abandoned by his mother in a marketplace in Nigeria. His story could have ended in tragedy, but because...

As a rebellious and broken teen, Jackie, sought hope in Jesus until the disappointments of life became too much to bear. Watch how God’s promises...

Baptized in the dark arts of the Santeria religion at the age of 5, Jeannie grew up with suicidal thoughts until she discovered music. Even though...

The need to help her mother out financially led Montana to be lured into the dark world of selling herself for money. Years went by until the...

Tina Hines suffered cardiac arrest that left her unconscious for over 28 minutes. While her body fought for survival, Tina shares her visit to heaven...

Tina Hines suffered cardiac arrest that left her unconscious for over 28 minutes. While her body fought for survival, Tina shares her visit to heaven...

A mother’s worst fear comes true when she receives a phone call that her son has been in a horrible car accident. Amazingly, her son Jaydon, was able...

The allure of winning The Voice’s singing competition sent Jack Cassidy self-medicating the disappointment with cocaine. When his heart almost...


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