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Videos on Peace

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Videos on Peace

Brad grew up in a family of racing winners. When he couldn’t hang on to the #1 title, he sought refuge in alcohol. See how God got his attention and...

Charlotte Holmes was clinically dead for 11 minutes. She recalls seeing her lifeless body and then going to heaven. Hear her amazing story and the...

A life of crime and drugs landed musical artist Billy Ballenger and his wife in prison with the possibility of spending six years away from their...

Josie encourages Quinn to let peace help him with his decision making.

Lisa, a Holocaust Survivor living in Israel, remembers painful memories of life in a Ukrainian ghetto during the separation and fear of the COVID...

“Sassy” sprint car driver McKenna Haase shares how she faces extreme odds with hope, peace, and drive.

Overwhelmed with the state of his life and relationships, Tom offers a simple prayer which leads to a supernatural peace.

Since the late 90s, Islamic radicals have waged a bloody insurgency in the southwest corner of Russia. Two wars and scores of terrorist attacks have...


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