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Videos on Prayer

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Videos on Prayer

Gordon and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

Gordon and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

Gordon and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

After contracting COVID, David’s health deteriorated, and his wife was told to prepare for his funeral. Instead, she recruited a community of prayer...

Gordon and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

Pat and Wendy pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

Pat and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

Maribel’s husband died protecting his wife and their five children during a typhoon that destroyed their home. Thankfully, Operation Blessing donors...

3-year-old Lorelei was found unresponsive at the bottom of the pool during a Fourth of July celebration. Through her family’s immediate actions to...

Gordon and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.


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