Displaying 3521 - 3536 of 3715

Henry's alcoholism resulted in a planned suicide until he heard something on TV that stopped him. A veteran correspondent discovered an Israel he...

Dr. Marty Becker shares why pets are so important in our lives and we talk to Glenn Beck about his 'Restoring Courage' Stand with Israel.

The Happoldts' marriage was nearly destroyed but God had a different plan and once a Muslim, Rafraf Barrack had an encounter with God and nothing was...

Reggie Arvizu talks about his rock-n-roll lifestyle, salvation, and why he's still with the secular band and Tim fed his sex addiction any way he...

Lincoln & Lynetta's marriage was a bit shaky, until they turned their eyes to God, and Dave Affalter gets set free from nicotin addiction.

Sharon Pate-Bell used alcohol to help her get through single motherhood and personal losses after Hurricane Katrina, but she found a better solution...

Watch the amazing story of Jeffrey Thompson who died in his hospital room and experienced his spirit hovering above his body and Dietrich Bonhoeffer...

When Tamara Laroux was 16 she shot herself in an attempted suicide. As she drifted out of consciousness she experienced revelations of heaven and...

Club Jennifer chased a fairy-tale life to escape her pain. Sharnell thought money and power would heal the hurt. Both women were wrong. Find out what...

Brian Woods was so driven to achieve that he often neglected those he loved. Find out what changed his approach and how Freddie Johnson experienced...

William and Michelle Branch will share how their marriage survived an emotional affair and The Deen Bros. get fired up about the perfect tailgate...

Gordon Robertson visits ancient Pergamum and reveals the incredible history surrounding what the book of Revelation described as 'the throne of Satan...

Anthony was an experienced drug dealer well before his 20th birthday, but a stop behind bars made him receptive to a new assignment and the story of...

A woman finds God on a prison floor. Also, take a trip to the Holy Land without leaving the States.

Maurice Altomuro helped with cleanup and developed lung problems, but healed thru the power of Christ. Leslie Haskin is a 9/11 survivor who escaped...

Kim Koeller teaches us how to eat out with food allergies. Also, a woman calls into The 700 Club when a rocket hits near her husband’s barracks.


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