Displaying 3537 - 3552 of 3720

Gordon Robertson visits ancient Pergamum and reveals the incredible history surrounding what the book of Revelation described as 'the throne of Satan...

Anthony was an experienced drug dealer well before his 20th birthday, but a stop behind bars made him receptive to a new assignment and the story of...

A woman finds God on a prison floor. Also, take a trip to the Holy Land without leaving the States.

Maurice Altomuro helped with cleanup and developed lung problems, but healed thru the power of Christ. Leslie Haskin is a 9/11 survivor who escaped...

Kim Koeller teaches us how to eat out with food allergies. Also, a woman calls into The 700 Club when a rocket hits near her husband’s barracks.

A woman searches for spiritual meaning when she becomes pregnant. A career woman feels the pressure of the corporate ladder. Also, CBN News reports...

A heartless thug gets a second chance. A broken relationship is restored. Also, CBN News reports on a small town with high marriage rates.

Sister Schubert cooks live on The 700 Club. Also, young woman battles depression after losing her father.

CBN News reports on what makes marriages last. Also, a woman strung out on crack finds a healing touch in church.

CBN celebrates its 50th anniversary with reflections from the Robertson family, new technology for the next 50 years and more.

David abandoned his job as a lawyer to join the war effort in Iraq as a JAG officer. His wife Nancy waged a war on family debt at home. And the story...

Orlando Magic Vice President Pat Williams returns to discuss how to have a successful marriage. A rock’n’roll star comes to grips with his addiction.

Author Stephen Mansfield talks about his new book, ReChurch. Also, CBN News reports on Warrior Games.

On today's 700 Club we have a report on saving money by going "Green" around your house and also a report about after suffering emotional wounds as a...

CBN News talks to Jenny Sanford, wife of the South Carolina governor whose affair made headlines. Also, see an interview with Austin Carty from...

Chris Tomlin performs songs from his Christmas album. CBN News reports on the history of St. Nicholas. Also, Gordon cooks up Christmas breakfast.


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