Displaying 2321 - 2336 of 3424

Ever wonder about the power of prayer? See how one man survived being struck by lighting and attacked by a shark.

Do angels exist? Author Judith MacNutt shares how are angels are "for real."

Remember the phrase, "sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt me"? See how words really can hurt.

Have you ever seen a lame man walk? See how miracles aren't a thing of the past.

Singer-songwriter Jamie Grace shares how she makes music even while living with Terrets syndrome.

How can you win? Join us Gordon Robertson shares how you can see victory in the middle of a losing battle.

See what the people in Siberia think of Scripture.

Author and co-founder of Ransomed Heart Stasi Eldregde shares how her obsession with food and body image nearly destroyed her.

Money couldn't fix her childhood, her marriage or her future. See what did the trick.

Hear from pastor Tullian Tchividjian on what it's like to follow in the footsteps of his grandfather, Billy Graham.

Cancer took everything but her life. See why one woman chose to keep trusting God.

How powerful is prayer? One couple share how united prayer saved their family.

After eight years working in a cubicle, one artist decided to follow her passion. See why.

Learn how to overcome the analytical mind and embrace the Spirit.

How can you believe in God for healing? Hear what Scripture has to say about it.

To make a resolution or to not make a resolution - which do you chose?


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