Displaying 2417 - 2432 of 3376

It's the most fiercely debated murder of all time, and because of it, the world has never been the same. Author Stephen Mansfield talks about his...

Counselor and speaker Katy Flood shares how she helps women find freedom from their pasts.

Author Mark Merrill tackles the issue of parenting and what it takes to be an All Pro Dad.

Today, there are over 423,000 children in foster care waiting for a place to call their home. President of the Christian Alliance for Orphans shares...

Join us at 700 Club Interactive as we celebrate and honor our nation's Heroes.

Is there a right way and a wrong way to pray? Gordon Robertson teaches on how to pray.

Lisa Guice, former model and actress, shares how God filled the void that fame and drugs could not.

Seven-year-old Cayden Long can't walk or talk. But with the help of his nine-year-old brother Conner, the two compete in triathlons together.

Author and inspirational speaker Dr. Cindy Trimm shares how we can all find God's favor.

There's no such thing as a perfect mom, but author Susan Merrill says it's never too late to begin parenting the way you want.

Discover the disturbing reality behind the foundation of the Third Reich and the life and faith of Adolf Hitler.

Want to punch fear in the face? Jon Accuff, author and motivational speaker, shares how we all can escape the average life.

Bethel Church Pastor Beni Johnson shares about God's heart and how we can all experience real joy.

Is God dead? Author Rice Broocks offers some compelling evidence proving that God is, in fact, alive and well.

Spoken word artist Janette McGhee shares her story and a few of her rhymes with 700 Club Interactive.

Professional organizer Vickie Norris tells us all how we can restore order and reclaim our lives.


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