Displaying 2753 - 2768 of 3347

Gordon opens the discussion on the topic of 'Divine Rescue,' featuring the story of 'The Miracle on Highway 6' in Texas.

CBN's Terrorism Analyst Erick Stakelbeck discusses his new book "The Terrorist Next Door."

Gordon and Terry discuss racism in America and its affects on the country.

Watch footage from the preparation of the Royal Wedding, as Gordon and Terry take on the topic of marriage.

See how lessons from the Spiritual Gifts Webcast changed a Sunday school teacher and her class, as Gordon Robertson teaches on discipleship.

Daniel Baumann was on a simple tourist visit to Iran when he was stopped at the border, imprisoned for weeks, beaten, and destined for execution.

"Life After Birth" author Summer Owens shares how being pregnant at fifteen changed her life.

Gordon teaches on a special Good Friday edition of 700 Club Interactive.

Love and War authors John and Stasi Eldredge take an honest look at marriage, offering advice and encouragement to married couples.

ONE Campaign activist Shayne Moore shares her journey from "soccer mom" to Global Soccer Mom in her fight against Aids.

Author and Pastor Thom Rainer discusses his research on the largest, most diverse and "un-churched" generation ever in America's history, The...

Fahren Johnson - foster child, daughter of a Schizophrenic, child of rape, and victim of abuse - tells her story, A View of Redemption.

What has hate done to the Church? And how can we recover from religious abuse?

Founder and President of the Denver Street School Thomas Tillapaugh discusses his movement to reach inner-city kids.

The Washington Post's Michelle Singletary shares her thoughts on financial "spring cleaning" and offers her last-minute tax tips.

Reporter Dale Hurd discusses the significance of Hallal food and how it plays a role in multiculturalism.


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