Displaying 11729 - 11744 of 13921

They were in a accident that left Chelsea without motor skills. Chad prayed for her while she recovered and God performed a miracle.

A pair of siblings in India are placed in a children's home sponsored by CBN's Orphan's Promise after their grandmother is unable to take care of them

Shaneen Clarke visits the 700 Club to give an update on her December 2010 ministry outreach in New Delhi, India.

One watchdog group's recent inclusion of Christian organizations as anti-gay 'hate groups' has led some to challenge homosexuals to "start debating"...

This week on Canadian Edition, Kristine McGuire mixed Christianity with the occult and it led her down a spooky path. Plus, When Bruce Van Natta was...

Is there an age when people no longer go to heaven? I have read in the Bible about Michael the archangel and the devil warring over the body of Moses...

Dr. Issam Nemeh visits the 700 Club to discuss his incorporation of the healing power of prayer in his medical practice.

A deep sea diver is stung by five poisonous jellyfish and is pronounced dead for 15 minutes.

She was driving to a funeral when an accident took her to heaven. Hank Williams' granddaughter Hilary talks about life on the other side.

Don Piper spent 90 minutes in heaven after a horrific car accident and granddaughter of country music legend Hank Williams, Hillary Williams tells...

CBN Sports’ Shawn Brown goes behind the scenes with Baltimore Raven Michael Oher. Shawn and Michael catch up for the first time since their last...

Go behind the scenes of The 700 Club as we catch up with guest Don Piper, author of, '90 Minutes in Heaven.'

Can you explain the difference terms for hell? Will we have bodies in Heaven? Can you believe in Heaven and not believe in hell? Will we be sad in...

Don Piper was in a horrible car accident opposite an 18-wheeler. For 90 minutes Don was in heaven fellowshipping with old friends, family, and Jesus.

The 700 Club's Scott Ross hits the streets of DC to ask people about heaven and hell, then Pat Robertson teaches us what the Bible has to say about...

What is the correct description of Hell? Will we be bored in Heaven? Who will go to Hell? Will we on Earth be watched by people in Heaven? What is...


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