Displaying 12721 - 12736 of 14002

My husband is a Christian but does not participate in family finances, what can I do? How do we leave old friends behind in our new walk with the...

Original ‘Byrds’ guitarist Chris Hillman sits down with Scott Ross to talk music and faith from the 60’s onward, and Randy Geissler shares his story...

Every year, the U.S. sends billions of dollars in food aid around the globe. Those acts of charity can have unintended side effects.

Award-winning, original guitarist of The Byrds sits down with Scott Ross to talk music history, faith, and how it all comes together.

Randy Geissler's been a Christian for over 25 years, but he struggled with alcohol and tobacco until one night he was watching "The 700 Club" and Pat...

I hear that God won't heal someone if they are the cause for the problem, cancer for smoking for instance, is this true? Is it wrong to sue for...

Each year, thousands of Chinese immigrants reach the U.S. hoping to fulfill dreams of freedom and wealth. But often, they find faith in God is far...

Celebrity chef Aaron McCargo, Jr. shares about the importance of his faith in the kitchen and beyond.

Childhood traumas set Rosemary on a course towards alcoholism. For years her struggles with the bottle defined her life.

Go behind the scenes of The 700 Club and see what The Food Network's Aaron McCargo, Jr. is whipping up in the microwave.

Touched by an Angel's Roma Downey talks with CBN about her faith and her new project, 'Little Angels.'

Severe flooding in Cambodia now affects 17 of 24 provinces and CBN's delivering food and supplies to victims.

I keep seeing videos about UFOs, are UFOs part of the signs of the end times or are they doctored videos? Is it possible for souls to be trapped...

Florence Johnson remembers her mother's negative spiritual influence and the impact that it had on her adult life, and Tim Thompson lost his brother...

Recent successes have made the U.S. optimistic on the war on terror. Al Qaeda may be weakening, but jihad against the U.S. is strengthening - at home...

After his brother died in a drowning accident, Tim dabbled in the occult as he desperately wanted to contact his brother beyond the grave.


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