Displaying 13745 - 13760 of 13876

The Beverly Hills plastic surgeon talks about how plastic surgery can help improve self-esteem and body image.

A young rapper finds his sanctuary in Christ and music. CBN News reports on a new book on Israeli technology, and our special studio guest is...

This bestselling author writes from the heart when her latest novel details a drug-addicted daughter and a mother who never lets go.

Today on Skinny Wednesday, we talk to a Beverly Hills surgeon about the benefits of plastic surgery. Also, a woman is healed after waking up...

Today, evangelist Heidi Baker talks about miracles in Mozambique. A biker’s wild ride leads him to the Cross. Also, CBN News reports on a church...

Monday's CBN Chapel service during 7 Days Ablaze

Baseball great Darryl Strawberry shares his testimony. Also, CBN News reports on debt settlement.

See highlights from the CBN Rosh Hashanah bonfire.

The baseball legend shares about his abusive past and how Christ gave him a future.

Gordon Robertson explains the significance of the Shofar. The meaning of "Rosh Hashanah" is "a memorial of blowing", and it is connected both with...

On today's show, wrestler "Robbie Rage" had to learn about grace the hard way, and there is a report on honor killings from CBN News.

“Love to me was literally a slap in the face.” This WCW wrestler had to learn about grace the hard way.

On today's show Gordon talks to Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon on Iran's nuclear threat and other topics. Also we have an interview...

Gordon Robertson interviews Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon on Iran's nuclear threa and the peace process.

Dr. Myles Munroe, author of “Re-Discovering Faith”, explains Kingdom faith and how it must be tested in order for it to be true.

Vickie had a blocked artery deep in her brain that was life threatening. But through prayer, she was completely healed.


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