Displaying 9409 - 9424 of 9707

Is it okay to pray the same prayer more than once? I've heard others say both your soul and your spirit go to be with the Lord. Can you explain this...

Adventurer Bear Grylls reveals a side of him that many haven't seen. Plus, young father Matt Chandler comes to grips with a brain tumor diagnosis and...

Is cremation anti-Christian? What is your thought on Christians and tattoos? Does Satan know my thoughts? Did Jesus decide on His own to go to the...

A dive into the pool's shallow end left nine year-old Josiah with four broken vertebrae. Plus, Bob shares his amazing experiences of a career in the...

When Mary's husband died, leaving her with two young daughters to provide for, she wondered if she could afford to keep tithing.

What exactly is a spiritual battle? Do angels and demons really fight all around us? Is there an ongoing fight that we don't see? Can we really pray...

Pastor and author Wilfredo De Jesus shares about his ministry to reach the poor. Plus, for years after Mary's son was murdered she struggled to...

Pastor and author Wilfredo De Jesus shares about his ministry to reach the poor.

Does God really expect me to go to every church service? Does this measure my commitment to Him? If someone has insulted me, should I choose to...

Los Angeles Dodgers First Baseman Adrian Gonzalez talks faith and baseball. Plus, Josh spent 16 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. He...

For years after Mary's son was murdered she struggled to completely forgive his murderer.

Gordon Robertson shares the impact that Superbook is making in the Philippines at a recent 'Super Launch' event in Manila.

CBN’s Superbook aired throughout the Philippines this week to an estimated 1.2 million viewers. There were over 1800 professions of faith in Christ...

Terry could no longer provide for his family after being diagnosed with kidney failure. An Operation Blessing supported food pantry provided family...

I am 15 years old and really want to grow closer to God. My church has a very poor youth program and I want to go to another church, but my mother...

Dr. Doug Weiss share how men can stay sexually pure in their hearts with insights from his new book, Clean. Plus, Tiffany was a vibrant young mother...


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