Displaying 2401 - 2416 of 2796

Is it okay to learn about Greek mythology? If the Jews don't believe in Jesus, why are we told to pray for them? What do you think of Hypnotism?

Is it a sin to take medicine for anxiety or depression? Is sun-bathing the same as sun-worshiping? Can I date someone who is getting a divorce? What...

Can you explain the discerning of spirits? What is the difference between a dream and a vision? What are physic powers, is it always part of the...

I am a Buddhist, why can't all religions just get along? Is there anything in the Bible against donating my eggs so others can have children? What...

Why would God call us "Salt" if it is not good for us? Are pictures of Jesus "graven" images? Does the Ark of the Covenant or the holy grail have...

Pat Robertson and Terry Meeuwsen answer the following question: My husband and I purchased a small business two years ago. We are struggling...

Gordon Robertson answers your Bring It On questions: How can I save for the future but enjoy today? How is the work of the gospel in the Middle East...

Pat Robertson and Terry Meeuwsen answer the following question: A few years ago my wife committed adultery. Instead of divorcing we stayed together...

Pat Robertson answers the following "Bring It On" questions: What does a proper morning workout consist of? Does God approve of cosmetic surgery? How...

Pat Robertson answers your Money Monday questions on Bring It On. What do I do with my 401K? Is there a limit to prosperity? How do I pay off my...

Should I start a restaurant business in these economically unstable times? Does the rule of reciprocity work with giving to your family?

Is it okay for the opposite sex to live together before marriage? How do I confess my sins with my mouth? Are solo prayers effectual?

Should we save our baby's umbilical cord for stem cell medical use? Is milk good for recovering fluids from exercise? Is knuckle cracking healthy?

Am I washing away vitamins by drinking more than the recommended eight glasses of water per day? Pat answers this question and more.

Do Muslims hate religions other than Christians and Jews? Pat Robertson answers these questions and more.

Pat answers: How can I control my anger? How can I know where to be a missionary?


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