Displaying 2449 - 2464 of 2796

Gordon Robertson and Terry Meeuwsen answer the following Bring It On question: Is it right for a Christian woman to let her son's girlfriend live...

Gordon Robertson and Lisa Ryan answer the following Bring It On questions: How do you know it's God's speaking to you? Should I leave my live-in...

How can I get my wife to spend less time online? What does "honor thy Father and Mother" mean? Is there an emotional benefit to getting older?

Pat Robertson answers your Bring It On questions.

Pat Robertson answers your Skinny Wednesday Bring It On questions.

Pat Robertson answers the following Bring It On question: Does it make a difference if I pray silently or out loud?

My hubby is going to get laid off soon. How do we prepare for that? Pat Robertson answers this question and more.

My husband says he cheated on me because I wouldn't serve him sexually. Now he wants to include me in sexual encounters with other women. Help!

Pat answers: Should I take back my cheating husband? What does it mean when I have a bad feeling? How do I be less shy?

How long should I wait to exercise after a meal? My wife wants me to build more muscle, but shouldn't she love me the way I am?

Can you recommend an exercise routine that will burn fat? Pat Robertson answers this question and more.

What can be done about a co-worker taking credit for others' work? Are "checks in our Spirit" a real concern? How important is Israel to Christians...

What is an "Elevator Pitch"?

Pat Robertson answers the following "Bring It On" questions: Is it wrong for an ex-wife to be living off of her ex-husband's child support? How do...

Should I call my estranged mother? Am I experiencing the presence of God? Does our prayer language always need interpretation?

Pat Robertson answers the following "Bring It On" questions: Should people go to work when they're ill because their boss wants them to be there? Can...


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