Displaying 2721 - 2736 of 2856

Pat Robertson answers your questions about these topics: paying off student loans, facts about the Dow Jones and NASDAQ, and credit unions.

Should it be the wife's job or the husband's job to manage the money, or should it be the most skilled person's job? Pat Robertson answers this...

Pat Robertson answers the following "Bring It On" questions: Can I divorce my husband? Should I reward my kids for doing the right thing, or punish...

I'm struggling to keep my spiritual walk fresh and exciting. How can I revive my relationship with the Lord? Pat Robertson answers this viewer's...

I jog six times a week and my calves look like those of a soccer player. How can I make my calves more feminine? Are workout balls a good exercise...

How much money should I have in my savings account? Pat Robertson answers this question and more on today's Money Monday segment.

Is God angry with me when I am angry with Him? Pat Robertson answers this question and more.

I have been trying to lose weight and can't, while my husband eats what he wants and stays the same weight. Why is this?

I asked God for a wife, and now I am dating. How do I know if she is 'the one'?

I don't want to marry someone heavily in debt or who is a poor money manager. Is it fair to ask my date about her money habits?

Pat, I am a post-menopausal woman trying to lose those last 10-15 pounds. Any suggestions?

Pat Robertson answers financial questions.

Should I add more to my 401K or start an IRA? Pat Robertson answers this question and more.

I married a man I didn't love 17 years ago and I am still not in love with him. What do I do? I want to please my father, but he is trying to control...

Pat answers the following questions: What area of the world has the greatest growth for Christianity? Would we be better off drilling for oil in...

Pat Robertson answers the following Bring It On questions: I am 49 and I am shrinking? What can I do to stop this problem? Are eggs healthy?


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