Displaying 2769 - 2784 of 2856

Pat Robertson and Terry Meeuwsen answer the following question: My husband has admitted to having sex with a co-worker ... while our two year old son...

Pat Robertson and Kristi Watts answer the following question: I find that whenever I am stressed or under tight deadlines at work I overeat. This...

Pat Robertson answers the following "Bring It On" questions: Is an interest-only home mortgage plan a good way to save money? Should parents allow...

Pat Robertson answers your Bring It On questions.

Pat Robertson answers your Money Monday Bring It On questions.

Pat Robertson answers the following "Bring it On" questions: How important is it to think about going to heaven for those who are content with...

Pat Robertson answers the following "Bring It On" questions: Is it wrong to hide money from your spouse? Should a newly married couple buy a house...

Lisa Ryan and Gordon Robertson answer the following Bring It On questions: Am I supposed to be single since I've never had a boyfriend? Am I being...

Pat Robertson answers the following Bring It On questions: What should I do with my oil stock? Is teaching fighting skills something the Lord would...

Pat Robertson answers the following "Bring It On" questions: Is it okay to lend money to a friend who doesn't qualify for a bank loan? Is an unwed...

Pat Robertson answers your Bring It On questions. Is Islam a peaceful religion? Is the "American Dream" too materialistic? What does it mean to pray...

Pat Robertson answers the following "Bring It On" questions: What does the Bible mean when it says, work out your salvation? What is postmodernism?...

Pat Robertson and Terry Meeuwsen answer the following question: Do you think it will be possible to receive the mark of the beast by accident?

Pat Robertson answers the following Bring It On questions: Is MSG detrimental to a child? How can you add bulk to your muscles? Is there a substitute...

Pat Robertson answers the following "Bring It On" questions: Are there any shoulder exercises to help regain good posture? How are muscles formed?

What is the meaning of the fish symbol for Christians? Should I tell my parents that my friend’s parents offer me marijuana?


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