Displaying 65 - 80 of 2825

Some of the youth at my church are very confused that we keep supporting Israel when all they see on their social media apps are images of the...

Who owns Gaza, and why do the Palestinians think it is theirs?

Is donating to the 700 Club considered tithing?

The government would like to go to total electric for everything. My question is: Will the new total electric system be worse with more carbon...

Could you explain what the Bible means by the passage, "You will know them by their fruits?" Is it material things, or is it the way that they love...

Are healing crystals bad? Should Christians use them? If not, why not?

I have cancer that I'll never get rid of. I have quite a few people praying for me. Could they all be wasting their time if God’s will is for me to...

What is the Feast of Booths or the Feast of Tabernacles? I love and admire the Lord’s people, and I want to know more.

I know a person pays tithes on what they make, but if they sell a car they own or land they own, do they pay tithes on that too?

I don't want to sound like a lazy person, but is prosperity a free gift from God? Do I have to work for it?

I have a friend that is a Christian, but he says he doesn't have to go to church because he's a Christian. I wonder if you know any Bible verses that...

Gordon, what did angels do to become “fallen angels?”

I never know what to say when someone announces that their loved one has died and is now an angel, watching over them.

When you’re praying, what is it like to get a word of knowledge and how does that work?

Is there Scripture to support that the mentally challenged will be in heaven?

What will happen to the person who tried to repent but failed at the hour of his death?


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