Displaying 561 - 576 of 634

CBN Thailand partnered with a local church for their fourth Annual Kid's Camp. 115 children and parents learned about Jesus.

Several Cambodian churches are collecting and forwarding children's letters to CBN from young fans of CBN's TV program, "Super Kids Club."

Impact satellite channel is broadcasting The 700 Club dubbed in Russian to reach viewers daily in the U.S. and Europe.

Starting in June, Club 700 Hoy will be broadcast daily on Enlace, the only national Hispanic Christian network in the U.S.

CBN's popular Spanish program, Vida Dura, has a new Facebook page for viewer interaction.

CBN Philippines launched a new TV program "Kausaban," which means "transformation" in Bisaya, the native language.

Children in Thailand spent the day at an aquarium with the host from the popular TV program, CBN WorldReach's "Pen Dek"

The German 700 Club reaches it's homeland, Austria, and Switzerland and more through it's website and Facebook page.

CBN Indonesia's Jawaban.com features radio, live chat with prayer counselors, and daily devotions.

CBN Television programs reach more than 37 million people in India and are produced in four different Indian languages.

More than one million Russian speaking people have visited CBN's PoiskBoga.com, a Russian Website.

CBN's "Superbook" presented in Costa Rica at the annual Fun Festival by the City of God church to nearly 1000 children.

700 Club Costa Rica has a new Co-Host.

Some churches in Hong Kong and China are using episodes of the 700 Club Hong Kong as teaching tools.

Clube 700, the Portugese version of The 700 Club, is now reaching its Brazilian audience in high definition.

Several CBN partners ventured to and helped out in an Indonesian orphanage supported by CBN funds.


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