Displaying 161 - 176 of 471

An Israeli woman encounters the Messiah and is inspired to take the message of the New Testament to her fellow Jews.

Married in their early teens, Chris and Yvonne face great odds for a successful union. Addiction, abuse and immaturity run amok, but God offers hope...

Pornography had a grip on Joel’s life from a young age. When he discovered his wife had struggled as well, their marriage was put to the test.

Kim and Nathan were hit with a one-two punch of financial stresses—the birth of their son, and the death of Kim’s mother. Nathan’s paycheck just wasn...

Dee Oliver didn’t plan to marry a funeral director, nor did she think she’d be a young widow. She will share wisdom gained from working in the...

What does it mean to live an enlightened life? Hear why two former Hindu believers decided to believe in Jesus.

After years of abuse and fear from those who should have loved and protected her, Isik had every right to hate the world. But, she chose to listen to...

Brandie and Dustin married at a young age and never really developed a strong foundation for their marriage. As they each put more emphasis on career...

Years of drug addiction left Jim picking up the pieces after a string of business failures. When his marriage began to crumble too, he cried out to...

Football paved the way out of poverty for Derwin Gray, but it soon became his identity. As his playing career was winding down and his marriage was...

Football paved the way out of poverty for Derwin Gray, but it soon became his identity. As his playing career was winding down and his marriage was...

After years of abuse and fear from those who should have loved and protected her, Isik had every right to hate the world. But, she chose to listen to...

When Chris Beall admitted his pornography addiction to his wife Cindy, they made the tough decision to work on marriage restoration.

Brad lived a double life that eventually caught up with him, but just when he thought he could walk out on his wife a near-death experience changed...

Relationship experts Philip and Holly Wagner remind couples to dream together again. Turn-your-marriage-around-tip: Encourage the dreams in each...

Can you really be happy in your marriage? Harvard-trained researcher Shaunti Feldhahn reveals a few key attitudes and actions of really satisfied...


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