Displaying 209 - 224 of 476

Disappointment, insecurities and broken dreams led Michael to alcohol for comfort. After his mom convinced him to read the Bible, a transformation...

In celebration of Valentine’s Day, April and Beecher discuss the surprise wedding proposal video that has gone viral online. Plus, Steve and Shelley’...

Award-winning former NFL coach Tony Dungy and his wife Lauren discuss the challenges of marriage on the backdrop of life in the NFL.

Award-winning former NFL coach Tony Dungy and his wife Lauren discuss the challenges of marriage on the backdrop of life in the NFL.

Tony and Rosa's marriage faced many challenges including drug addiction, porn addiction and infidelity. See how forgiveness led to healing for both.

Why prayer in the midst of a crisis just might save you and your marriage.

What do you do when nothing else works? How one couple kept praying through their daughter's cancer.

Psoriatic arthritis made this mom, musician and photographer lose the ability to use her hands. Hear why she decided to worship.

See what prompted one man to give up his successful career in the modeling industry.

Join us as 700 Club Interactive as hosts Gordon Robertson and Terry Meeuwsen share and minister to viewers.

For over 25 years the Newsboys have been impacting Christian rock music. Hear them perform from their latest album, “Restart.” Plus, Loretta was...

See how failure saved one man’s life.

What do you do when a good marriage goes bad? Find out what saved one couple after adultery.

My sister left her abusive husband a year ago, she doesn't want to get a divorce. Now she's miserable and in a deep depression. What can I do to help...

How to have a happy marriage and what the Bible says about it.

This Valentine's Day when the world is emphasizing romance, Sam and Vicki Ingrassia are teaching couples how to increase their passion for each other...


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