700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Break the cycle of fad dieting with the help of personal fitness coach and author, Kim Dolan Leto. Plus, terrorist groups are taking over the West...

An accident on the baseball diamond leads to years of epilepsy and seizures. See how this man experiences total healing. Plus, CBN news rides along...

Driving high on drugs, a young mother is pulled over with her baby in the car. Find out why the judge lets her off the hook. Plus, stabbing foot pain...

When Rosalie and her husband, Alan, purchased a commercial building, they had high hopes until they uncovered major issues. The investment drained...

When Michael and Sandy fell in love and got married, it seemed all their dreams had come true. But their combined debt and a history of bad financial...

Latoya and Hashim worked hard to provide for the growing needs of their six children, but at times had to rely on food stamps. When Hashim was laid...

At the start of their marriage,?Donald and Abby had paid off a large amount of debt. So when Abby discovered her husband had a new, secret debt, she...

Jamar Sheffey was an entrepreneurial chef with a new catering business. When the pandemic hit, he and his wife, Katy, found their lives turned upside...

Unable to endure the stress that came with owning a car-detailing shop, Isaac and Lucy were ready to say goodbye to their business. But see how God...

She describes her journey as a “holy ambition” that started with a vision from God. Britnie Turner was an adolescent sitting in a youth group meeting...

For a long time, Marcus and his wife kept a close eye on their family budget. Then, they learned about tithing from the Bible and decided to put it...

Entrepreneurs Mike and Stacy have had great business success—but it didn’t start out that way. Early in their marriage, they accumulated tens of...

Unable to endure the stress that came with owning a car-detailing shop, Isaac and Lucy were ready to say goodbye to their business. But see how God...

Actor Kevin Sorbo provides a sneak peek at the new blockbuster, “Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist.” Plus, a teen takes a nasty fall off his...

A man suffers massive internal bleeding after a tear in his aortic artery. Half of the patients like this don’t live past two days. Now see him walk...

Let 2023 be a year of miraculous breakthrough in your life! Author Tammy Hotsenpiller shares from her new book, “Fasting for Miracles.” Plus, a...


Full Episodes

A man faces an excruciating choice and decides to turn his son over to bounty hunters. See how the situation becomes a life-saving event on today’s...

A man turns his back on a life of darkness when God reveals Himself as the one true source of fulfillment. Plus, CBN News sits down with former...

After being slammed by a truck and not expected to survive, a young woman beats the odds and inspires the world. See the captivating account of...

A woman receives a shocking report from the doctor and is told she has a year left to live. Her shock turns to anger as she struggles to survive, but...


Kelly worked two jobs but was still $52,000 in debt. In desperation, she asked God for help, and He asked her for a step of faith. Are you waiting...

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