700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

I deal with a company who deals in porn and I am going to boycott them. Do boycotts actually work? Is it possible for a Christian to be possessed? Is...

Pastor Gimenez returns to The 700 Club to discuss the upcoming 'America for Jesus 2012.'

Drug and alcohol addiction cost Alea almost everything, but God didn't give up on her.

If the USA goes belly up, will cash even be any good? I tithe on my salary but should I tithe on my tips? How can someone believe in science and...

After his father died, Kevin's mother was unable to afford new shoes for her son and he was forced to wear pink tennis shoes. Operation Blessing was...

David Cook, author of Golf's Sacred Journey, shares about the inspiration behind the story and discusses the new movie based on the book, Seven Days...

How about the parents who are being bullied by public schools and the courts today due to their Christian beliefs? What would you say to a school...

Author Paul Coughlin joins us to discuss effective strategies in teaching your children how to react to bullying.

The Ryun's were terrified when their baby was born at only 23 weeks, but they trusted God and baby Charlotte made a miraculous recovery.

How can genetic diseases be healed, is it wrong to pray for these? What does God sound like? Will nice people go to heaven without accepting Jesus?...

CBN offers job training classes in baking, sewing and craft-making in Costa Rica. They also share the Gospel and many have received Christ.

Once known as the world's fastest woman, Marion Jones sits down with The 700 Club's Scott Ross to discuss what her incarceration experience taught...

Once known as the world's fastest woman, Marion Jones sits down with The 700 Club's Scott Ross to discuss what her incarceration experience taught...

CBN News has obtained a document showing that the very foundation of the group known as Media Matters for America is built on anti-Christian bias.

Is it possible for someone to be so lost that they can't get back to God? What can I tell her to help her get back to God? My daughter gave her life...

I have had many hurtful relationships, how can I avoid these until God has the right relationship for me? Are Jehovah's Witnesses considered a cult?...


Full Episodes

Hear the story of how a father's dedication inspired a nation. Plus, a Father's Day surprise as one family grows by two. It's time to celebrate dads...

Author James Ward, Jr. addresses how black Americans can overcome injustice with a new attitude. Plus, presidential hopefuls are courting the...

A man suffering from shivering and shortness of breath is diagnosed with a severe case of pneumonia. Witness the prayer and the visitor that brought...

A young singer receives a devastating diagnosis of stage three cancer on his tongue. See how a song in his room led to a miracle heard around the...


Discover how a mother's prayers pave the road to redemption after her son faces a prison sentence for his crimes. Watch their inspiring journey on...

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