700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Tim allowed porn addiction to escalate to adultery. When his wife Stephanie found out about the infidelity the couple had to decide how they would...

Jan is in her 60's and recently got laid off. She's having a difficult time finding work and buying food to survive is often a challenge.

I have been asked to be a bridesmaid in my sister's gay wedding, I don't agree with it, what should I do? Is it possible that your "words of...

More than 340 million people don't have a Bible in their own language. In Cameroon, more natives are stepping in to help translate the Scripture into...

The opposite personalities that attracted Julian and Barbara Phillips to one another proved to be a huge problem when it came to finances in marriage.

Watch this Bring It On teaser spot with Kristi Watts.

We are a couple nearing retirement and invested heavily in gold, you said you are getting out of gold. What should we do? What is the "Gospel of...

Some North Koreans have escaped from the Communist country and its human rights violations. Kim Eun Jin is one of those survivors.

Fatima, an Iranian native, never gave her Muslim faith too much thought, until she began asking questions about God.

This South African senior citizen was reliant on neighbor's for water. Operation Blessing helped her get a well and now she provides water for the...

Tim Ballard should have died at age 9 but after receiving prayer from local churches and Benny Hinn, he was healed.

How do you pray for a wayward, unfaithful, dirty dog husband? My wife had a hysterectomy 15 years ago, I haven't had sex in 15 years and I have my...

The top concerns in this election year have been the economy, jobs, and government spending. But one top Republican economic expert says his party...

This 'Top Chef' semi-finalist shares healthy eating ideas for diabetics. Download Recipe from myCBN

Paula longed for the love and affection of her father, but she never received it. Instead Paula drifted through life looking to fill the void in a...

This Haitian orphan was crammed in a single room with 48 other children. Operation Blessing bought and remodeled a large home for these children in...


Full Episodes

Hear the story of how a father's dedication inspired a nation. Plus, a Father's Day surprise as one family grows by two. It's time to celebrate dads...

Author James Ward, Jr. addresses how black Americans can overcome injustice with a new attitude. Plus, presidential hopefuls are courting the...

A man suffering from shivering and shortness of breath is diagnosed with a severe case of pneumonia. Witness the prayer and the visitor that brought...

A young singer receives a devastating diagnosis of stage three cancer on his tongue. See how a song in his room led to a miracle heard around the...


Discover how a mother's prayers pave the road to redemption after her son faces a prison sentence for his crimes. Watch their inspiring journey on...

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