700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Frank and Dawn were filled with anxiety about their debt and finances. Having no way out, Frank found an answer that brought peace and prosperity to...

Margie and Russell needed a new source of income. They made a strategic decision that led to promotion and financial security.

God sent Richard a message that saved his struggling business: "The $50,000 is on the way."

Glen was a workaholic who lost everything he worked for—including his family. But God showed him a way back.

Anthony Griffin learned how to be in the place of blessing. One day God gave him an idea so incredible—it changed his future, and an entire industry...

I've heard that Islam is a "religion of peace", and that terrorists are just a small, fringe percentage of Muslims. What is the truth? How can you...

I am an atheist, can you prove to me God exist? I don't like any of the candidates, is it a sin to not vote? I recently open an online lingerie shop...

What are the end times going to be like? Why are the Mayans getting all the attention lately?

What is the purpose on the Judgement Seat? Is it wrong to pray to God for a responsibly priced car? I am a Christian, but I am shy and can't I pray...

What is up with the sudden rise in gas prices? Can you receive a healing from a pre-recorded 700 Club? How can unbelievers be healed when someone...

Pat, how did you meet your wife and what is the secret for your long marriage? Is it okay to pray for love, does God care about these things? My...

Pat, I know you are happily married, why don't you wear a wedding ring? Will watching vampire (Twilight) movies open someone up to demonic possession...

How do you convince children that there is a heaven? What can I do to convince my mother that God will provide for us? I am insulin resistant, what...

We are having to close a business we feel God wanted us to run - this makes me feel like I have failed God, does God feel the same way? I received...


Full Episodes

Discover how a mother's prayers pave the road to redemption after her son faces a prison sentence for his crimes. Watch their inspiring journey on...

Hear the story of how a father's dedication inspired a nation. Plus, a Father's Day surprise as one family grows by two. It's time to celebrate dads...

Author James Ward, Jr. addresses how black Americans can overcome injustice with a new attitude. Plus, presidential hopefuls are courting the...

A man suffering from shivering and shortness of breath is diagnosed with a severe case of pneumonia. Witness the prayer and the visitor that brought...

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