700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

His wife looked for him on the streets, in crack dens and prayed every night that Dorian would come home.

He was falsely accused of rape and sent to jail. Yet, it was the very event that turned his life around.

Superbook touched Yana Allen’s heart as a child in the Ukraine. Through the Word of God, Yana gave her life to Jesus.

A six-year-old girl’s prostitute mother tries to sell her to a man for a bottle of vodka. Zhenya didn't have much of a future before Orphan's Promise...

For families with loved ones deployed in the Middle East, keeping in contact is essential. However, Tammy got a phone call that no military wife...

When Slavic was a baby, he was found abandoned. He suffered from epileptic seizures, until he was healed after much prayer.

The Inside Edition host talks about the missing element in today's culture that can make all the difference in your life.

What started out as innocent fascination with a Ouija board turned Tara’s life into a nightmare.

When floodwaters climbed the walls of Zena’s home, she became filled with despair. Who would help her? How would she live? That’s when someone...

Julie’s devastating car wreck left her in a coma. Things looked bleak, and death was imminent. Then came an unexpected message.

A brilliant 8th grader almost dropped out of school when heart condition began to severely affect her.

Without parents and a loving home, Christopher was a servant on his uncle's ranch. His dream was to go to school; dreams can come true.

Jo Anne was alone, afraid, drunk and in debt after her divorce. Then she found someone who took care of everything she needed.

The president of the international moving company shares the secrets of his business success.

He’s a two-time heavyweight boxing champion. But George Foreman will be the first to tell you the most important title he’s ever held is “Dad.”

Tony was shot multiple times on an L.A. street and actually died. He says he went to heaven, only to be sent back to earth.


Full Episodes

Journey inside the stories and real-life adventures of New York Times best-selling author Mitch Albom. Plus, she’s been called the fastest woman in...

A 10-year-old becomes instantly hooked to the images on his dad’s computer. Follow his journey from addiction to redemption on today’s 700 Club.

A girl leaves to meet a friend, but she never arrives. After 10 days, her murdered body is found by search and rescue. See one father’s impossible...

Follow the journey of Minnesota Twins' phenom Royce Lewis as he transitions from baseball's number one pick to becoming one of its top hitters....

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