700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

South Dakota Sen. John Thune recently decided to shun a presidential run in order to make a greater impact in the Senate. In an exclusive interview...

Prit Adams was in a coma for 52 days after a brain aneurysm, but a families' prayers and the help of doctors set the stage for a miracle.

Gordon Robertson reports from Israel and looks at Jesus' fulfillment of Jewish prophecy at Passover.

We'll retrace Jesus' final steps to the cross, from the Garden of Gethsemene to the tomb in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

Mike and Ginny Mason lived in fear of finances for years. Learn how they faced their fears and why they’re no longer afraid. You can be free from...

A look at the crucifixion story as told by the prophets of the Old Testament and how 20 specific prophecies were fulfilled.

It’s been called The Miracle on Highway 6. After a fiery car crash and desperate prayers, witnesses say angels showed up and performed a miraculous...

He asked God for an adventure, and he got the experience of a lifetime. This pastor was caught in a tornado.

We'll retrace Jesus' final steps to the cross, from the Garden of Gethsemene to the tomb in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

Gordon Robertson reports from Israel and looks at Jesus' fulfillment of Jewish prophecy at Passover.

A look at the anniversary of the landing of the Jamestown settlers and the spiritual significance of their journey.

A bad car accident put Natalie Elders in a coma for ten days until she experienced a personal Easter Sunday resurrection.

A look at the creation of the King James Bible in 1611 and its effect on Christianity over the past 400 years.

He heard a voice call his name and saw a vision of Christ. This was miraculous, because up until then, Kamal was a Muslim.

A soldier in Afghanistan is saved not once, but twice from life-threatening attacks.

John Chapman Elliott, a former government assassin, shares how his career affected his life and that only after he retired did he begin to process...


Full Episodes

A baby is born at just 23 weeks. The prognosis is frightening, but one family clings to their faith and a prophecy. Plus, a marriage is headed...

Sports agent Kelli Masters is one of the most influential women in the business. Discover how she rose to the top and made history along the way on...

Journey inside the stories and real-life adventures of New York Times best-selling author Mitch Albom. Plus, she’s been called the fastest woman in...

A 10-year-old becomes instantly hooked to the images on his dad’s computer. Follow his journey from addiction to redemption on today’s 700 Club.

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