700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

She’s the widow of the “American Sniper.” Taya Kyle honors her late husband and offers hope to military families. Plus, a businessman living off of...

A producer behind “The Cosby Show,” “Roseanne,” “Home Improvement,” and more, guest Matt Williams looks back on an amazing career. Plus, how law...

A teenager is betrayed by someone she trusted, and her life would never be the same. For the next fifteen years, she battled addiction and feelings...

Christian music artist Babbie Mason performs live. Plus, doctors and health officials are giving confusing and contradictory advice. Hear what they’...

Paul and Anncy had enormous debt. A monthly payment alone took more than 50% of their income. See the discipline they used that led to promotion and...

The Bible tells us that those who manage well in small things will be given more. Nick and Carla were good stewards of what God had given them in...

A past divorce, a change in jobs, and a life-threatening diagnosis all contributed to landing Ed and Shelly in $400,000 of debt. That’s when they...

Tammy faithfully stuck to a financial principle that had brought her peace. Little did she know God would give her a new, creative idea that would...

While married, Donna discovered a financial strategy that brought her freedom from worry and want. Now that she is a widow, this key has continued to...

The Bible tells us that those who manage well in small things will be given more. Nick and Carla were good stewards of what God had given them in...

See the story of the miracle birth that answered a prayer and inspired a song. Discover how one family holds on to a promise in the midst of...

Four-time Pro Bowl safety Minkah Firzpatrick shares about being the leader of Pittsburgh’s “Steel Curtain,” and how he’s turning his field into a...

A wife noticed her husband struggling to maintain balance and suffering from redness in his eyes. A brain bleed was threatening his life. See how he...

Author Jane Hamon shares how to stand against the enemy and reclaim what has been stolen. Discover how to declare divine restoration for our hearts,...

A son who wanted to be like dad is suddenly left without his father. See Blake’s struggle to find his way and how he became the man his dad molded...

A driver swerves to miss a pick-up and heads right into the path of an 80,000-pound tractor trailer. As the dust settles, he visits heaven while...


Full Episodes

She’s the widow of the “American Sniper.” Taya Kyle honors her late husband and offers hope to military families. Plus, a businessman living off of...

A producer behind “The Cosby Show,” “Roseanne,” “Home Improvement,” and more, guest Matt Williams looks back on an amazing career. Plus, how law...

A teenager is betrayed by someone she trusted, and her life would never be the same. For the next fifteen years, she battled addiction and feelings...

Christian music artist Babbie Mason performs live. Plus, doctors and health officials are giving confusing and contradictory advice. Hear what they’...


A woman experiences a tangled mass in her brain and neurosurgeons refuse to perform an operation. See how a text message sets the stage for a miracle...

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