700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Where does it say in the Bible that if you don’t forgive people that have hurt you, God won’t forgive you?

Once saved, can we lose our salvation?

When an EF-3 tornado brought destruction to Wynne, Arkansas, Pastor Norman saw many in desperate need of help. CBN’s Operation Blessing answered the...

CBN Global Update: May 15, 2023

Terry and Andrew pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

Neema, a widow, struggled to make ends meet. She cried out to God for a better life for her son, Simon. Her prayers were answered when CBN’s Orphan’s...

Andrew and Ashley pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

Gordon and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

Shawn was a hardcore drug addict ready to take enough dugs to overdose when he tried something he never thought he would do; he called out to Jesus....

What will happen to the person who tried to repent but failed at the hour of his death?

Mary Sanders’ whole identity was wrapped up in striving for Olympic gold; just like her father. After years of fierce workouts and competing, Mary...

When you’re praying, what is it like to get a word of knowledge and how does that work?

Andrew and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

I have a friend that is a Christian, but he says he doesn't have to go to church because he's a Christian. I wonder if you know any Bible verses that...

After losing her father during the 9/11 attack, Kayla struggled to understand & process her grief.

After spending 5 days in the hospital, Sandy was discharged after her sister-in-law came to pray.


Full Episodes

A young woman is thrown eighty feet after being hit by a bus. She suffers multiple broken bones and a brain injury. See the amazing recovery that...

Duck Dynasty’s Willie Robertson doubles down on sharing his faith and standing up for truth. Plus, a car crash leaves a basketball coach paralyzed...

Heartbroken after the death of her mom, a worship leader searches for answers. See how a voice rocked her world. Plus, radio host and conservative...

A woman’s faith is tested when a dizzy spell threatens her family’s holiday. Plus, a couple is on the verge of financial ruin. They implement an...


Find out what prompted a husband to flee and hear the prayer that brought him back. Learn about the dream that saved a marriage on today’s 700 Club.

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